How to Navigate the World Safely with AI

How to Navigate the World Safely with AI

Data is the new oil, all information about us is Data, and AI loves Data! In fact, it feeds on Data, consumes it, and needs it to grow, and we happily supply it, sometimes willingly, sometimes unwittingly. In all scenarios, our data is processed and supplied back to us in the form of accessibility, ease of business, comfort, and convenience. That should be a win-win for both sides. Ideally, that is what is desired. However, we haven’t reached there yet!

AI engulfs us; it is pervasive, invasive, and essential in today’s time. So, what is our relationship with AI today? For the most part, it is complicated, to put it simply!

Understanding AI vs. Automation

AI is different from automation; automation imparts predefined tasks reducing human intervention while increasing efficiency, but AI incorporates machine learning and advanced algorithms, learns from data, adapts, evolves, and enhances making decisions without explicit programming.

Where Can We Find AI?

If you ask, ‘Where can we find AI?’, the answer is almost everywhere! When you use Virtual Assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa, and Cortana, they help with tasks, answer questions, and control Smart Homes. They also come to understand you over time.

Social Media use AI-powered algorithms. That is how your feeds are personalized, and you get suggestions based on them; they also detect harmful content.

AI can identify faces, objects, and scenes in photos, enabling features like facial recognition and object detection.

AI-powered Chatbots are used by big and small businesses alike. They handle customer inquiries and support in a human-like manner. They use Natural Language Processing and Deep learning mimicking human responses and are already replacing human beings as virtual assistants due to their attributes of being hassle-free and easier to manage.

AI uses Natural Language Processing in language translation apps and sentiment analysis tools.

Most people now understand that the predictive texting suggestions come from AI, where it suggests words and phrases as you type them, making communication faster and easier.

You must have also noticed that the online apps and OTT platforms which stream videos tend to suggest to you the kind of shows you usually watch. Same for online shopping and music streaming. AI knows your preferences and is assisting you to arrive at faster decisions without having to waste time searching. See, AI knows you.

AI’s Protective Role

But it’s also protective of you. It helps detect and prevent fraudulent transactions in finance and e-commerce, hence is an essential tool too.

AI is increasing its usability in healthcare. AI-powered wearables and apps track fitness goals, monitor health metrics, and provide personalized advice.

There are mixed opinions on its accuracy as far as the diagnosis of diseases is concerned. However, much work is being done to try and include its predictive prognosis.

Self-driving cars and drones also depend on AI for navigation, obstacle detection, and decision-making.

Organizations use AI-driven tools to detect and respond to cyber threats, enhancing online security.

AI plays a vital role in model AI Smart cities where it controls most automation.

Generative AI like ChatGPT, Gemini by Google, and similar help save time and effort, though the reliability of information can be challenging or inaccurate many times.

Generative AI is still evolving, and the quality of data determines its effectiveness and accuracy of results.

These are just a few applications, and we are coming up with more use cases every day. AI is going to play a huge part in the ‘Metaverse,’ be it predictive analysis of Avatars or influencing decisions by leaving suggestive clues, but that is a discussion for another time.

Navigating AI Safely

Keeping all this in mind, one thing is apparent. We use AI and will be doing so continuously, both in the real and virtual world. The threat then comes from how it uses our data and how safe we can keep it.

The threat also arises out of malfunctioning. Suppose AI-powered traffic lights malfunction, they might cause severe accidents!

Another concern is the bias of the developer. Many times, the algorithms can carry forward the biases of the organization developing them, which can have drastic effects. For example, if it favors one company or ethnicity of people or holds any other bias, it can create unfair systems causing havoc and unrest in society.

In case organizations use unclean or polluted data for data analysis, the output is bound to give false outcomes. This can result in organizations making wrong decisions and hence losing large amounts of investments!

Deepfakes are a very serious concern today and have the power to convincingly promote falsehood to the extent of overturning regimes or governments. On a personal level, they have the power to destroy lives due to the mental and emotional trauma caused by impersonation and fake representation.

While we can use AI to assist us, it does pose serious questions on Intellectual Property Rights when it is used to make ART, draw images, or write a Story, and the result can be accused of plagiarism (Midjourney, DALL-E2).

Protecting Your Data

So then, where do we go from here? Since we must live together, why not mitigate the dangers as best as possible. Awareness and self-education hold the key. By now, it is clear that we need each other. We cannot isolate ourselves, but we can surely protect ourselves. By using smart navigation, we can protect our interests while enjoying the benefits of AI.

Here is a list of a few pieces of advice by industry experts for better personal data security:

  • Use 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication): Ensure an added layer of security for your online accounts.
  • End-to-End Encryption: Use apps and platforms that offer end-to-end encryption for secure data transmission.
  • Privacy Settings: Review and adjust privacy settings for each AI app, limiting data collection and sharing.
  • Revoke Unnecessary Permissions: Restrict access to your device features by revoking unnecessary permissions.
  • Research AI Apps: Before installation, read reviews and understand data handling practices.
  • Regularly Review and Remove Unused AI Apps: Reducing potential vulnerabilities by removing unused apps.
  • Implement Device-Level Security Measures: Use firewalls and antivirus software for enhanced protection.
  • Understand Terms and Conditions: Know what data is collected and how it is used.
  • Use VPNs: Encrypt internet traffic and mask IP addresses with Virtual Private Networks.
  • AI-Powered Security Tools: Enhance protection using tools like password managers.
  • Limit Sharing of Personal Information: Avoid over-sharing sensitive data online.
  • Privacy-Focused Browsers: Use browsers like Brave, DuckDuckGo, and Tor that prioritize user privacy.
  • Disable Location Sharing: Prevent data collection by disabling location sharing in device settings.
  • AI Privacy Tools: Block trackers using tools like Privacy Badger and uBlock Origin.
  • Secure Cloud Storage: Use robust security and encryption for cloud storage.
  • Stay Informed: Keep updated on data protection best practices and regularly update software and apps.


Information is the key to enlightenment and safety. Data protection is an ongoing effort; hence, we need to stay vigilant and take control.

Big organizations, according to Forbes, are using AI for fraud management and cybersecurity. Hence, while AI holds much value, we need to control the switch to plug the loopholes and stay smarter than the smartest AI. After all, while AI consumes our data to grow stronger and more robust, we consume its productivity. All that we need to ensure is that we share only relevant data and the data we share is protected and used responsibly.

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